Walhasil saya yang kepo-nya tergelitik pun mencobanya. With the final result of these four words:
Dependent. Peaceful. Talented. Passionate.
Tidak berhenti sampai di situ, saya pun melanjutkan keisengan *contoh tidak baik menjelang UTS* dengan cari tahu lebih lanjut definisinya di Merriam-Webster dan hasilnya....
Eng ing eng....!
Dari http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dependent
1. Dependent
Definition of Dependent
1: hanging down
2 a : determined or conditioned by another : contingent dependent on the weather>
b (1) : relying on another for support <dependent children>
(2) : affected with a drug dependence c : subject to another's jurisdiction dependent territory> d : subordinate 3a <dependent clauses>
b (1) : relying on another for support <dependent children>
(2) : affected with a drug dependence c : subject to another's jurisdiction dependent territory> d : subordinate 3a <dependent clauses>
3 a : not mathematically or statistically independent dependent set of vectors> <dependent events> b : equivalent 6a <dependent equations>
— de·pen·dent·ly adverb
Definition of PEACEFUL
: peaceable 1
: of or relating to a state or time of peace
: devoid of violence or force
3. Talented
Definition of TALENT
a : any of several ancient units of weight b : a unit of value equal to the value of a talent of gold or silver
archaic : a characteristic feature, aptitude, or disposition of a person or animal
: the natural endowments of a person
a : a special often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude b : general intelligence or mental power : ability
: a person of talent or a group of persons of talent in a field or activity
4. Passionate
4. Passionate
Definition of PASSIONATE
a : easily aroused to anger b : filled with anger : angry
a : capable of, affected by, or expressing intense feeling b : enthusiastic, ardent
: swayed by or affected with sexual desire
— pas·sion·ate·ly adverb
— pas·sion·ate·ness noun
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W.O.W ! Nyaaaaa~
What do you think? Is it good or bad? Is it true?
What about yours? Come try it by yourself!
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