every pieces has it own story

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

i can (not) read your mind

Please tell me what do you want from me...because I can (not) read your mind!

Rasanya pengen banget deh NERIAKIN kata-kata itu ke orang-orang yang (terkadang) merasa kita udah tahu segalanya yang perlu kita tahu tentang dia sebelum bahkan TANPA dia ngasih tahu. Ga perlu sejelas-jelasnya, tapi at least ngomong lah WHAT'S EXACTLY you want from me to do or not to do to make all those things right. Apa susahnya sih sebenernya?

Hey....I'M (NOT) A MIND READER oke????

Nah, masalahnya orang ini biasanya mengira dia sudah cukup memberikan clue yang bisa ngebuat kita tahu. Kok jadi kayak main tebak-tebakan rasanya. Kalo saya masih senggang ataupun dalam keadaan mood yang super duper good sih, mungkin saya masih mau bersabar untuk figure out what's happening in their mind. Tapi kalo lagi ga, waaah gawat saya bisa aja malah jadi senggol-bacok. Hahaha...semacam reaksi yang sangat khas saya banget deh ini......:D
Nah, kalo ngadepin orang yang tipe-nya kayak gini bingung, ada juga yang ga kalah ngebingunginnya juga lho. Hayooo.....tahu ga tipe orang yang kayak apa yang terkadang ngerepotin (also) nyebelin???
Guess what??? Yup...orang yang merasa dirinya tahu
SEGALANYA! Bukan tentang dirinya sendiri (kalo ini mah bagus, artinya dia ngatri dirinya much better than anyone else). Tapi orang yang merasa tahu mengenai orang lain, padahal sedekat apapun dia dengan orang lain itu tetep aja kan dia belum tentu tahu dia deep down inside (jieeeh) dan ngerasa tau semua masalah orang ini. Hey dude, who you think you are??? As you know all about the world and it's all about you. Hellooooo.....???!!!
Saya tidak suka kalo diperlakukan seperti itu, apalagi sama orang yang tidak benar-benar mengerti diri saya. Saya tidak suka kalo ada orang lain yang dengan seenaknya men-
judge saya.
If you want to know about me then just ask. I don't like the way you think you can read my mind coz actually you can't. Like i don't want try to read what's on your mind, because i (also) can't.
Curiosity and show some interests are different from act like you know everything guys....>.<

So, just behave and manage yourself then n_n

thanks, in the name of........

Ketika badai datang menerpa, ga selamanya kita ngelihat sisi suram dan ketidakbahagiaan. Terkadang, dengan adanya badai itu kita bisa melihat apa yang justru selama ini ga terlihat oleh kita karena ga kita sadari....Mungkin karena sinar matahari yang terlalu terik bersinar, karena awan yang menutupinya, atau mungkin juga karena we just don't care at all. Termasuk dalam hal pertemanan.

Pernah ga sih, kamu ngerasa beruntung banget karena banyak teman yang perhatiaaaan bangeeeet sama kamu? Bersyukur karena di saat adanya ketidakberuntungan kamu masih bisa-bisanya bersyukur dan tidak henti-hentinya diberi nikmat oleh Allah SWT karena punya teman-teman yang sangaat baik sama kamu. Dan hal ini justru baru bisa kamu lihat, rasakan, dan sadari saat kamu terpuruk, terkena terpaan masalah, terombang-ambing di tengah dahsyatnya badai bernama kehidupan *duileeeee.....
Dan di saat itu juga, kamu sekaligus bisa ngelihat betapa besarnya kasih sayang Allah SWT padamu. Sayang, saya baru menyadarinya justru setelah badai itu menghampiri. Mungkin saja terbilang terlambat, tapi sekarang aku semakin yakin bahwa dalam setiap peristiwa yang terjadi pasti ada sebuah hikmah yang dapat dipetik.
Dan Allah pasti mempunyai sebuah rencana untuk kita. Bukan seperti apa yang kita inginkan, melainkan seperti apa yang kita butuhkan......:)

thanks for all the laughter

thanks for the crying

thanks for the brilliant idea

thanks for your amazing jokes

thanks for your great suggestion

thanks for all the joy we share

thanks for all the journey we have

thanks for the story we told to the world

thanks for all the memories we've been through

thanks for not asking when I don't mean it

thanks for showing me how to smile after the wind and hurricane come

thanks for curing my pain

thanks for making me feel comfortable

thanks for listening me

thanks for being such a nice friends

thanks for allowing me show the real me, even the worst side of me

thanks for allowing me see another side of you

thanks for not letting me down

thanks for not letting go of me

and finally......

thanks for your friendship to me :)

you're all that i have and you're all that i need.
Please...stay with me and let our friendship spring and last forever

xoxo with love .........<3 <3 <3

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Me vs the World, I'm (not) ok

Ini adalah luapan perasaan saya beberapa saat yang lalu, ketika saya secara (tiba-tiba), hampir serempak dihadapkan pada beberapa kejadian, dan yang cukup membuat saya mengalami up and down sekaligus membuat saya merenung.
Hanya saja..............
Jangan harap kamu akan membaca sesuatu yang luar biasa, kata-kata di bawah ini justru cenderung memperlihatkan sisi pesimistic diri saya. (Better not expected too much then)

The world is fight against me
And the consequences is Me against the world
Sometimes, i'm asking myself a question
Am I too much to ask, or even too much in wanting something?
I'm not mad,
I'm just being crazy on my own world

there's enough trouble
there's enough unfortunate event
there's enough some kind of pain
I've let through my defenses
I'm tired already
pretend that everything is ok
standing still in my place
look definitely fine outside,
like i can handle it and resist this
deep inside it's vulnerable

How suppose i expressed my feeling?
When someday my last barrier couldn't stand still from this hurricane
and finally fall

This time it seems like the world all centered in me
The universe have decided
stands its position to be contrary
I just feel like i'm isolated here
somewhere nobody belong
alone, lonely by myself
coz there's just me and this
far apart by the last barrier

The universe have decided to be my enemy
stands its position loudly
it'll be my decision
either i'll take that as a obtacles
so I face this world as if it's fight against me
or i'll accept this condition and try to deal with it
which is not show that i'm vulnerable
it'll show that i will be stronger than I did before

Maybe someday,,,,,when i wake up
i'll realize the situation is keep getting better
and the world would smile
not just for you, me, but us
and we can show this greatest smile together :)

Ini bener-bener cukup efektif bagi saya sebagai ajang katarsis..... And believe me or not, now I can say that I'm totally fine
coz I can face the world with smile

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Music of my life

Without music life would be a mistake

~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
(from www.geronimo.fm)

That's why I miss my radio so much..........

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


Hey you,

why is it so hard when you talk about it

Hey you,

what you expect for me to say or even for me to do ?

Hey you,

don't you understand that I'm the one who you left with this confusing

Hey you,

don't you know my life is not just about you, they, it ?

Hey you,

is it really hard for you just to speak up what do you want from me ?

Hey you,

is it not enough all of my effort ? Not for giving an evidence nor just for showing

It's just because i'm keeping my word, my promise, my commitment


If it came to me to choose....

Then lead me to make a decision

When you ask me the same question again

In order to keep my promise or lead me back to what I hold from the beginning

as if i do not care anymore about it after all the things that I can do for it

Don't you give all that predicate for me if you do not know exactly WHO I AM

and judge me like you care or know more about me

I'll do the best that I can do for us as the unity

But don't push me to do that i can not do or handle





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