Pernah ga sih, kamu ngerasa beruntung banget karena banyak teman yang perhatiaaaan bangeeeet sama kamu? Bersyukur karena di saat adanya ketidakberuntungan kamu masih bisa-bisanya bersyukur dan tidak henti-hentinya diberi nikmat oleh Allah SWT karena punya teman-teman yang sangaat baik sama kamu. Dan hal ini justru baru bisa kamu lihat, rasakan, dan sadari saat kamu terpuruk, terkena terpaan masalah, terombang-ambing di tengah dahsyatnya badai bernama kehidupan *duileeeee.....
Dan di saat itu juga, kamu sekaligus bisa ngelihat betapa besarnya kasih sayang Allah SWT padamu. Sayang, saya baru menyadarinya justru setelah badai itu menghampiri. Mungkin saja terbilang terlambat, tapi sekarang aku semakin yakin bahwa dalam setiap peristiwa yang terjadi pasti ada sebuah hikmah yang dapat dipetik.
Dan Allah pasti mempunyai sebuah rencana untuk kita. Bukan seperti apa yang kita inginkan, melainkan seperti apa yang kita butuhkan......:)

thanks for all the laughter
thanks for the crying
thanks for the brilliant idea
thanks for your amazing jokes
thanks for your great suggestion
thanks for all the joy we share
thanks for all the journey we have
thanks for the story we told to the world
thanks for all the memories we've been through
thanks for not asking when I don't mean it
thanks for showing me how to smile after the wind and hurricane come
thanks for curing my pain
thanks for making me feel comfortable
thanks for listening me
thanks for being such a nice friends
thanks for allowing me show the real me, even the worst side of me
thanks for allowing me see another side of you
thanks for not letting me down
thanks for not letting go of me
and finally......
thanks for your friendship to me :)
thanks for the crying
thanks for the brilliant idea
thanks for your amazing jokes
thanks for your great suggestion
thanks for all the joy we share
thanks for all the journey we have
thanks for the story we told to the world
thanks for all the memories we've been through
thanks for not asking when I don't mean it
thanks for showing me how to smile after the wind and hurricane come
thanks for curing my pain
thanks for making me feel comfortable
thanks for listening me
thanks for being such a nice friends
thanks for allowing me show the real me, even the worst side of me
thanks for allowing me see another side of you
thanks for not letting me down
thanks for not letting go of me
and finally......
thanks for your friendship to me :)
you're all that i have and you're all that i need.
Please...stay with me and let our friendship spring and last forever

xoxo with love .........<3 <3 <3
2 komentar:
keep shining keep smiling,
knowing you could always count on me.
for sure, that's what friends are for.
in good times and bad times,
i'll be on your side forever mooore :)
(That's what friends are for- Dionne Warwick)
huaaaa,,,,Ho tengkyu sekali!
Hope you like it, even it's so ordinary.
Glad and so wonderful to know you with your great personality, caring, and love.
Love and hugh for you sista :)
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