Semestinya ini di-post pas malam hari sebelum kompre KAUP menjelang. Yah, beginilah rasanya >.<
27 Mei 2011,
will it be a happy or sad ending story?
Wondering. Hoping. Let's start to make a turning point.
Semoga mendapat pengalaman, pembelajaran, pendewasaan.
Maunya gitu, yaolo tapi saya deg-degan. berasa ga siap deh.
Please, wish me luck for the Kompre of KAUP!
During the process : Alhamdulillah berjalan lancar, setelah berhasil melewati cobaan puncak di KAUP....Ini yang dirasa.
Thanks God, we can make it. And we believe that everything will be alright.
We've done our best, giving our best effort. It such a relief :P
Finally we can say : I'm done with KAUP :) *still waiting for the result. Wish us luck! >.<
Mundane life
4 minggu yang lalu
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